
Prostitute EroMassagen4u - Erotic Coaching

for interests who needs some help in realizing their thoughts and ideas


EroMassagen4u -SexModel-

- Goal setting
- Personal hygiene (*)
- Clothes
- Accesories
- Work (*)
- Practises (*)
- Advertising
- Self-Marketing

Daily rate (8,0 hrs.) = 800 EUR (Single)
Daily rate (8,0 hrs.) = 1.200 EUR (Couple)

plus costs

EroMassagen4u -NudeModel-

- Goal setting
- Personal hygiene
- Clothes
- Work (*)
- Photos / Videos Indoor / Outdoor (*)
- Sedcards / Advertising
- Self-Marketing

Daily rate (8,0 hrs.) = 800 EUR (Single)
Daily rate (8,0 hrs.) = 1.200 EUR (Couple)

plus costs

I am constantly asked by interested parties (women and men) whether I can help them, for example, to "become a whore or a nudemodel";
therefore, I am offering my 'erotic coaching' to interested parties of all genders from 18/21 years of age a "first aid" in the realization of their wish to become an erotic and/or sex model. The duration of the coaching is agreed individually. The theory part is done in casual clothing, the practical part (*) naked.

For further information please contact me personally.
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