
EroMassagen4u - Erotic Publications / eBooks

für Genießer jeden Geschlechts die das Besondere schätzen.

a) EroMassagen4u -EroPub I-

"Little erotic stories from daily life", 2023

- Sorry dears, publication currently offered in German language only! -
(Reason is easy: I have a speciale kind of metaphoric humor which works perfectly with my German language, but texts loose sense by translating to English!)

Please visit "Deutsch" in left corner at the top for full infos; thx.


b) EroMassagen4u -EroPub II-
"The Unborn", 2024

Imagine a day, at nite time, being alone, thoughts going crazy..and then something happens...

Art Collection of Erotic Explosions

Second erotic publication ("Safer Sex")
The content is an art project "sperm pictures with short texts" on a 12 month journey.

Inhalte unterliegen der Altersbeschränkung von min. 18 Jahren!

The PDF is protected and personalized! To prove your age, you must send me a copy of your ID card (front and back) with your billing address via email with your order. After your age has been verified, you will receive your invoice with the advance payment. After your payment has been received, your personal copy will be made and you will receive the first neutral email with the PDF and your password in a second separate email.

You can order:

PDF-Publication „The Unborn“, English language
(12 sperm pictures with text, 2 extra pictures, on 15 DIN A4-Pages as PDF, 3,74 MB)

Price: 69,00 EUR - current discount price 30 EUR

(If you prefer to buy anonymously, please go to my erotic webshop at the address:
b) EroMassagen4u -EroPub III-
"My way - Phimosis", 2024
In a sex group today (30.08.2024) there was the theme of "Phimosis" and the sense of removing the foreskin.

Surgery is not needed in my opinion...its a lie of the medical - you can stretch the foreskin of your dick on your own...you need a little bit of time...and that skin is for "protection" of your "glans" ...if you wash yourself regularly under the foreskin, you don`t get any of these internet horror stories I found by looking for today...just use your brain for thinking..its called knowledge...

The medical told me 34 years ago the same too (removing is necessary), but i didn`t believe them. It took about half a year to stretch the foreskin daily a little bit more and more, step by step ...and look at my dick today...I didn`t needed surgery!

I looked up in the internet...there are so many "torture" pictures...I don`t think they are made by someone with these problems! I won`t do this to my dick...so I can feel the fear of many males ...just do the relaxing way - "do my way"!

Anyone with medical issue about the "sense of removing the foreskin" can contact me for consulting, BUT I am NO medical...I can only get you my past experiences (34 years ago when I was 14yo) as male on your own risk...
So my next ebook will be a little story of my past experiences you might like to cure your fear als alternative to surgery.

You can order:

"My way - Phimosis", English language
(xx pictures with text, on xx DIN A4-pages as PDF, xxx MB)

Price: xx,xx EUR

(If you prefer to buy anonymously, please go to my erotic webshop at the address:


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